Thursday, 16 December 2010

Sexy, tempting and cute... love it!

No more sad feelings about forbidden "Karlson on the Roof"! Christmas is close - my very loved holiday and also a high season for gifts (both ways - I love to make presents!)

Here are some ideas, as I'm often asked about what I like and enjoy... Chocolate or champagne, something sexy or tempting, cute or just a nice book... The girls best friend might be also a gift card...

in Copenhagen:


Illums Bolighus

Casanova Furniture

Louis Vuitton
Ostergade 18, Copenhagen
opend 7 days a week
Ni'mat spa

Star Tour

and in the world:

Harrods Gift Card

MacBook 15' (English version)

MacBook Pro 13' (English version)


Agent Provocateur gift voucher

I would like to add that gifts are never expected, however they are
always appreciated and never forgotten!

Tuesday, 14 December 2010


I was slightly shocked today, when I saw a list of children and youth books that were banned in U.S. in the within last ten current millennium. Many organizations and super moral parents are busy to remove some books from the shelves in schools and libraries.

Guess which book is topping the list? I bet you would never do it! The Harry Potter novel series! A long list of reasons.

Number two is the book “And Tango Makes Three” based on a true story of two penguins from Central Park Zoo who raised a baby penguin. The problem is that both penguin parents are male…

On the third place is The Diary of Anne Frank, one of the best selling books of all time, translated in over 50 languages. Never the less, all existing copies of the book were removed recently this year in one of the schools in Culpeper County, Virginia. “Explicit sexual themes” was the reason…

The fourth place got Merriam Webster Dictionary. I’m not joking, check yourself! This dictionary was removed from all schools in Menifee Union School District in California. Ups, a few students found the definition of “oral sex” and told their parents about it. So, the dictionary had to leave the shelves.

The most banned book in U.S. schools and libraries within the last nearly 60 years – “The Catcher In The Rye” by J.D.Salinger – is on the fifth place. The book is still very unpopular among parents, and the last attempt to ban it was taken last year at Big Sky High School in Montana. “Of Mice And Man” by Nobel Prize winner John Steinbeck is also constantly laying on the 5th honourable place the last 10 years. The list of banned books is endless…

I smiled when “Fahrenheit 451” by Ray Bradbury was removed from the required reading list of the West Marion High School in Foxworth, Mississippi. A parent complained of the use of the words "God damn" in the book.

I’ve just thought, what a future would have Danish teenager book “Min Fucking Familie” (“My Fucking Family” in English – this name stands on the cover of the book and the expression is used nearly on every page, including many other common to it, the plot is reflected in the name of the book) by Ina Bruhn in U.S.? Meanwhile we speculate about it’s fate, some Danish students in the 8th grade are finishing the last pages of the book.

Believe me, the smile was gone, when I found that Astrid Lindgrens “Karlson On The Roof” (“Karlsson på taket” in Swedish) is banned too. The reason – subversive views on babysitters.

Sunday, 21 November 2010

Made in Heaven

Jeff Koons and Cicciolina

“Made in Heaven Paintings”
until January 21, 2011 
at Luxembourg & Dayan, Manhattan, NY 

Monday, 25 October 2010

Joy, Sex, Pleasure, Contentedness...

What is happiness?
Love, they tell me.
But love doesn't bring and never has brought happiness.
On the contrary, it's a constant state of anxiety,
a battlefield; it's sleepless nights,
asking ourselves all the time if we're doing the right thing.
Real love is composed of ecstasy and agony.
I spent a lot of my life looking for happiness.
Now what I want is joy.
Joy is like sex - it begins and ends.
I want pleasure. I want to be contented.
But happiness? I no longer fall into that trap.

The Witch of Portobello
Paulo Coelho

Tuesday, 14 September 2010


One week of Indian 

summer in the

beginning of

September slipped

quickly away and

boring weather with

frequent rains and

winds is regrettably


                    Lucky me, I always loved umbrellas!

Not quite sure why. May be it came from childhood - playing Mary Poppins (and checking weather forecast for the west wind) or admiring (with light envy) my stylish grandma with her beautiful umbrellas for any occasion?

No, that's not my grandma :)
Audrey Hepburn by ...?

Or maybe it's from living in rainy Copenhagen and seeing more than enough rains one can experience in the whole life? Well, whatever the reason is, why shouldn't elegant and lush ladies look beautiful when it rains?

I wouldn't say that I'm a great collector of brollies, but I definitely love and enjoy them, whether it's a lively Pasottti or an extravagant Jean-Paul Gaultier

                             a simple look through dome

or a classic and elegant umbrella by Mila Schön

I love them all and thankful for being my true friends and keeping me dry!

Monday, 13 September 2010

"There are two types of creators in the world. One type of creator works with objects - a poet, a painter, they work with objects, they create things. The other type of creator, the mystic, creates himself. He doesn't work with objects, he works with the subject; he works on himself, his own being, he makes himself into a masterpiece." 


Saturday, 14 August 2010

What a lovely companion!

    Timless work by Richard Avedon, one of a very few
    photographers I adore

Monday, 19 April 2010

Ah, Århus...

"The World's Smallest Big City", unofficial "Capital of Jutland"
and number one shopping city in Scandinavia

Århus is the oldest big city in Scandinavia, but at the same time it is very young and lively, full of contrasts and style, and surrounded by magnificent natural beauty. Locals are very sympathetic and always opened for a friendly chat, their warm attitude earned Århus a reputation as "The City of Smiles".

I'm always happy to come here for a couple of days - it's a great getaway, where my passion for art and design is always pampered. Visiting ARoS and private art galleries, strolling from one designer store to another (Designtorvet and Tidens Møbler, DECORATE SHOP and REPUBLIC of Fritz Hansen, Lampefeber), spoiling myself with gastronomic delights at

Malling & Schmidt, Ferdinand Brasserie or Restaurant Seafood.

A walk in Riis Skov and along the coastline, enjoying beautiful Bellevue and Åkrogen beaches or in Zen Garden north from Århus (a small universe for beauty, wellness and gourmet cuisine - it's something that you simply have to experience :)).

Sunday, 21 March 2010

Spring is finally creeping here with shower rains, strong winds and bright sunshine, pleasing our senses with first warm days, twittering birds, tender snowdrops and lovely buttercups.

February and March were grateful months filled with Joan Miró in Arken, colorful exhibition "The Colour in Art" in Louisiana, Copenhagen Lifestyle Fair, controversial artist Marco Evaristti with his exhibition "Kill me" at ME Contemporary and his "Rolexgate" dedicated to Holocaust victims at Kunsthallen Nikolaj; the premier of beautiful, but a bit disappointing "Alice in Wonderland", Nicolaj Bergmann with his "Flowers and Design" in Brøndsalen...

Indeed, a lot was happening in the period of white and cold months in Copenhagen. The restaurants were often visited and my gastrocuriousity (in a sweet drowsiness with pleasurable anticipation) and I were speculating - how would the Michelin stars be distributed in 2010?! So, I was self-satisfacted, when the list was announced a few days ago - all 2009 Michelin rated restaurants got their stars again and one new joined the "star club" - A/O/C.

Here is the list of the Michelin awarded restaurants in Copenhagen in 2010 :)
A/O/C/ *
Herman *
Kokkeriet *
                          The Paul *                           
Era Ora *
Formel B *
Paustian *
MR *
Kong Hans Kælder *
Søllerød Kro *
Kiin Kiin *
Noma **